
Can I get a generational group hug?

Entrepreneurial, transparent, team-oriented blogger who wants to find meaning in her work and aspires to achieve work-life blend.  Tag line for a millennial?  Actually, it’s me, from generation X! Apparently you can teach an old dog new tricks if given the proper mindset. So let’s stop focusing on our differences and allow the diversity of our generations to lead to innovation.  How do we accomplish that?

  • Reverse mentoring: young people aren’t the only ones who need training.  The term “reverse mentoring” refers to pairing older workers with younger ones to educate one another on how new ways of thinking can improve them. The key is to change the culture from an “us versus them” mentality to a two-way street.  If done properly, it can close the knowledge gap on both sides.
  • Build a culture of mutual respect:  regardless of whether you are a seasoned veteran or just out of college, the key to your success is on-the-job performance. You can’t necessarily rely alone on your own experience and expertise. Be inclusive and accepting of ideas, especially if you don’t initially agree with them. Allowing others to be heard can go a long way toward building mutual respect.
  • Be cognizant of bias and stereotypes: we all know they exist but don’t let them break down open, honest communication among your team.  The opportunity (notice I didn’t say challenge) in a multi-generational workforce centers around motivation and retention.  Most people leave a supervisor before they leave a job so embracing our diversity rather than highlighting our differences can help ensure we keep the lines of communication open.

Why should you care? In 2015, at approximately 80 million, the millennials have become the largest share of the American workforce according to the Pew Research Center.  They will lead our companies, political parties and the nation in the future. It’s the responsibility of the generations that preceded them to resist focusing on what makes us different.  Why not share what we know and let them teach us in return?  If we are being honest, the very things we criticize about another generation are those we actually envy.  TOGETHER we are stronger and can build the foundation for an innovative high performing team. So, what do you say, can I get a generational group hug?


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